Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sea Glass Pieces

The jar sits on my bookshelf in the bedroom.  A collection of fragmented sea glass, each piece unique and beautiful in its own way.  Never mind that I bought the glass in a bag at the craft store.  If I lived closer to the beach I would have certainly collected it on my own.  But I do not, so the craft store kind was the best I could do. You understand, don’t you?

You see, I had just finished reading a section out of Dr. Leslie Parrott’s book, You Matter More Than You Think, and I knew I needed a reminder. In fact, I may just go out and get another jar and some more sea glass to place reminders all around my house. It seems like in this season of my life I need more reminding than in others.

Why the sea glass you ask? I’ll tell you. It wasn’t my idea but one worth sharing so I’ll give you my take on what Dr. Leslie said.

I’m not sure how you feel or what you think when you look around, but sometimes I feel like a collection of glass pieces.  Broken, mismatched, odd shaped and individually nothing to speak of.  

But when I see you, you are a beautiful glass jar being shaped and molded by your Creator.  You are one single unique product, whole, significant, with a purpose designed by God.

I know that’s not true. But that’s how I feel. Or felt. And sometimes feel again until I see my jar.

Sea glass is formed when actual glass jars and bottles are captured by the sea, tossed and broken.  The pieces are then battered by the storms and waves, and grinded down by the sand.  The result? Unique, smooth, and sometimes jagged pieces of glass. On their own each piece is a find, a treasure.

Oh but as a collection, it’s priceless. Beautiful. Dazzling. From every angle it’s different and amazing and curious and significant.

You and I are God’s collection of sea glass pieces.  Each piece representing fragments of our lives, the different areas of influence, responsibilities, relationships, strengths and weaknesses our lives hold.  While on their own they appear to not measure up to much, as a whole, a magnificent sea glass collection, they are priceless. You are priceless. I am priceless.  To God.

So for me, I’m resisting the temptation to look at you as a beautiful, put together, useful, glass piece. But most days that's hard. I’m resisting the temptation to see myself as fragmented, broken and random.

And so I bought a jar and sea glass from the craft store. As a reminder. That God loves me dearly and He uses all the parts and pieces of my life to form a beautiful collection that reflects His handiwork. And He does the same for you. He uses the storms of life and the grind of the mundane to smooth and polish each peace to His liking.

Now you understand, don’t you?  Why the jar full of sea glass sits on my bookshelf. Now it’s your turn. Go get a jar.  And head to the beach- or craft store- and go make yourself a collection! You are loved. You have purpose. You are priceless. And maybe ask God who you need to share this with, and give them a jar as well.