So this is it! I've officially started a blog.
Please understand its not because I have some great wisdom to impart or great tips on a particular topic. I am writing because some days I feel like I'm gonna loose my mind.
Being a mother of 5 I don't have much mind left and I would seriously like to keep what I have.
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade what I do for anything, it's just some days I would trade what I do. Can you relate?
I am a wife. A biological mother. An adoptive mother. A foster mother. I am a daughter. A daughter-in-law. A sister. An aunt and a niece. I am a friend and a mentor. I am a business owner. I am a grocery list maker, a cook (if you can call it that since I honestly don't make anything that requires more than 5 ingredients). I do the laundry and the dishes. I sweep my kitchen floor more times in a day then I can count. I can feed the baby while playing Peter Pan (a fascinating, imaginary, yet never ending game of fun) with my 3 year old. All the while attending to the emotional and relational needs of my 8, 10, and 11 year old daughters.
And I'm just getting started.
I get up early and go to bed late yet somehow I'm not quite feeling like the Proverbs 31 woman. Maybe its because I've never purchased a field. Or it could be cause my city doesn't have gates - cause rest assured my husband WOULD be there.
I am tired. Most of the time. I am in over my head. Yet I have actually been certified by my home state to take in MORE foster children but I'm gonna go ahead and pass on that one for now.
But the good news is, it doesn't really matter who I am. It matters WHO'S I am. And yes, I know that's probably not good English but I like the way it sounds. Because everyday God's got my back, because I'm His. Jesus paid the price for my sins and failures (the whole mess of them) and I'm His girl now. I agree it wasn't the best trade but I took Him up on it and there are no backsies on this deal.
So with that, hello world. My name is Tamara Collins. I am married to my better half, Tyler. I am a biological mother to three amazing girls, Tatum (11), Tessa (10), and Talya (8). I am mom through adoption to my precious and comical Tiana (3)and newly adopted son Truett (1).
This is my vision:
*to instruct women on their identity in Christ- challenging them to grow and
live the life God intended
*to inspire others to be the difference and make a difference - to live a live
of passion and compassion
*to create laughter- after all, isn't that what Depends were made for?
Thanks for joining me along the journey!
Love it! Love you and your heart Tam!